Well it has been an interesting two weeks! And I promise, I have a perfectly good reason for why I haven't posted the past two Wednesdays. I've been...shall we say...indisposed. It's kind of a long story so I'll just give you all a short synopsis.
On Wednesday the 17th I left work with the best of intentions; I would write my blog post later that night as soon as I thought of an interesting topic. But alas, my plan was foiled by my getting in a car accident on the freeway that evening. I don't actually remember anything from Wednesday night from about 7pm until midnight or so when I woke up in the hospital because of the concussion I received in the wreck, and even the memories from that night are somewhat foggy. Needless to say, I spent the next two nights in the hospital with a fractured pelvis and various cuts and bruises all over the left side of my body. I worked with a couple of physical therapists over the next day and a half to start walking with a walker and was released from the hospital that Friday afternoon.
Luckily, after going home I had lots of people to take care of me including my wonderful boyfriend as well as my mother and aunt who drove through the night on Friday to get here. I was out of work for a week and a half, which almost drove me crazy! But now I am back to work in full force, and I've started to walk without the assistance of a walker or cane in the past couple days. For having a broken pelvis I'm doing quite well!
Although I would definitely not recommend an experience like this to anyone, it's definitely been an eye-opener. We were in a car accident that could have - and probably technically should have - killed us and yet we are both alive and well (mostly), with injuries that were minor compared to what they could have been. I know it's super cheesy, but it has helped me appreciate the little things that make life awesome. There are so many blessings granted to us that go unnoticed until they're almost taken away before we even acknowledge their existence. It's a sad fact of life.
Sorry my post is short and very very late, but to anyone who happens to be reading, I hope that you'll take a second today to remind yourself of one little blessing that you don't usually notice. And once you've thought of it, thank your Father in Heaven for that blessing! He has given us so much to be grateful for, and all too often we forget to thank Him. So take some time to do so today, and hopefully every day from now on!