Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Be Careful What You DON'T Wish For: A Lesson in Eating Your Words

You know how they say God has a sense of humor?  Well my friends, that is very true indeed.  I'm here to tell you that sometimes you end up in places that you never ever wanted to be in, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Exhibit A:  As a teenager and a college student I always swore I would never live in Utah.  I am a die-hard Oregonian at heart and I never wanted to live in the "Mormon bubble" (ha, and then I decided to go to school at BYU-Idaho...go figure).  But anyway, back to the point.  During my junior year of college I was in the process of looking for an internship for the summer.  I basically had two leads, one back home in Bend with a residential company and one in Salt Lake City with the LDS Church.  But I pursued both avenues, not wanting to put all my eggs in one basket just yet.  And viola!  I got the internship in Utah.  Of course.  Although it hadn't been my first choice in locations, I was still very excited and told myself that it was okay because it was a temporary thing; I would only be in Utah for the summer, so it wasn't like I actually "lived" there, right?  Right.
The internship that Summer was excellent and I had so much fun learning from the people I worked with.  I also had the chance to get a part-time job as a hostess at The Roof Restaurant at Temple Square, which was probably one of my favorite things about the whole Summer.  And I was comforted in thinking that the Utah bubble only had me for a few short months and then I could go wherever I wanted!
Fast forward to a year later when everyone started asking what my plans were after graduation.  And for all the college seniors/grads out there, you know how wonderful that question is.  I didn't have any concrete plans to begin with, but as senior year progressed I decided I had to have some kind of idea in place.  Based on my experience looking for an internship, I reluctantly decided that maybe going back home was not the best option as far as job opportunities for me.  And that left me with one other idea; go back to Utah.  I knew I could at least go back to my job at The Roof until I found something full-time, and I knew for sure that the job market would be much better here.  So I did it, I moved to Utah.  And through lots of prayer and job-hunting, I was able to score a full-time job as an interior designer and I absolutely love it!  But more about that another time.
There's just one problem...I'm now stuck in Utah.  The place I vowed I would never live.  It's just funny how things happen to turn out that way, huh?

I said I didn't want to live in Utah, and I went and got a professional job here.
I don't like big cities, and I decided to move to the largest city in the state.
Who's idea was this?  Oh yeah, it was mine.

At least I get a view working from The Roof!

But you know, it's ended up not being as bad as I thought it would be.  Granted there are still things that I wish I could change, but life is never going to be perfect.  I've just got to learn to accept the undesirable things and focus on the parts that I actually like.  For example, I have a great job, I get to live 15 minutes away from my boyfriend and 45 minutes away from my best friend, and if I had to live in a city, Salt Lake is probably the least terrible city I could have chosen.  All in all (as much as i hate to say it), right now I'm glad I'm here.  I've learned a lot in the short time I've been in the Salt Lake valley, and I'm sure there's a lot more to come!  Bring it on, Utah! :)

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