Monday, February 2, 2015

Everything is AWESOME! many of you have seen the Lego Movie?

I hadn't seen it until Christmas break, when my family showed it to us while we were visiting.  My kids LOVED it!  It's all they wanted to watch for the rest of the break.

So, you know that song..."Everything is Awesome"?

If you haven't heard it should seriously watch the video below.

Well...that is now my kids' favorite song.  Seriously, my 4-year-old sings the chorus EVERY TIME I say the word 'awesome' (which, I am coming to realize, I actually say a lot).

Aside from this new-found knowledge of my word usage, I have learned a few more things from this experience in my life.  For example: that my kids internalize more lyrics than I do. 

About 2 weeks after being introduced to this song, my son asked me, "Mom, are allergies awesome?"

I, of course, answered, "No...they're not really."

And he says, "Yeah, I think they are!"

I think we discussed it for a few more minutes, resulting in him continuing to insist that allergies are awesome.  And I pretty-much left it at that.

That was before I had listened to all the lyrics of the song.  When I found the above YouTube video for an impromptu dance session with my kiddos, the words "You know what's awesome? EVERYTHING!  Dogs with fleas, allergies..." flashed across the screen.  I suddenly realized where that question had come from days ago.  My son looked right at me and said, "See?  Allergies are awesome!"  So I admitted that he was right, and made a mental note to listen more closely to anything that I might be letting into my home (music, movies, tv shows, etc...).  Dang, kids are smart!

I also learned that a lot of things are awesome!  The song talks about how losing your job gives you more time for your community, or how stepping in the mud and getting your shoes dirty gives you a pair of new brown shoes (Pete the Cat, anybody?).  Sometimes, when life gets rough (because it does...for all of us), I forget to look at the positive side of things.

I am one that believes that everything happens for a reason.  I believe in a Heavenly Father that loves us and has a plan for who we can become.  That's why life is hard.  Just like a stone being tossed and bumped and thumped along the bottom of a river...all that thumping and bumping makes the rock smooth and beautiful.  Without our trials how would we grow?

We just need to LOOK for the silver lining in each cloud.

So when a trial comes your way, just remember:

Everything is awesome!

* DIY tips today...just thoughts that have been running through my mind.  The silver lining?  Now your anticipation will be building for next week when I have an amazing recipe or DIY project for you!  ;)


  1. I hope you know you have just gotten that song stuck in the heads of everyone who read this post... Thanks... 😉

    1. That was my evil plan all along......mwahahahahaha!!! ;)
