Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Pinterest and Christmas Gifts

Happy Monday!

Okay, so it's actually Tuesday, but since yesterday was a holiday and my hubby didn't have to go to work, it totally feels like a Monday, so let's go with it!

Happy "Monday", everybody!

I'm so behind in my blogging, and I apologize.  But it's okay, because I've been anxiously engaged in the good work known as "parenting"! (That's an acceptable excuse for anything, right?)

So even though it's been just barely a month since Christmas, it seems like it was already forever ago!  But I just had to show you what I made for my newly married sister, Chanel, for Christmas!

Ta-da!!!  A wedding ring holder!  (For use by the sink, or wherever you might take your ring off frequently.)  I was super happy with how it turned out.

I found the idea on Pinterest, and thought it would be perfect for her!

Now, in the example it was made with a much smaller picture frame.  But, true to form, I had no luck finding just what I wanted, no matter how many stores I went to.  So I wound up just getting a 4x6 frame, and making it bigger than anticipated.

So I got the frame, bought a "pearl" necklace that had multiple strings of beads of different sizes, and a decorative hook.  Also a small piece of fabric (more about that later).

I forgot to take a ton of pictures, but here it is in the middle of the creative process...  I love hot glue!  You all should ask my sister, Chara, about our other Christmas adventures with hot glue this year!  ;)  Seriously, I think you'll think we're crazy!

So I simply hot-glued a ton of beads to the picture frame, and super-glued the decorative hook to the glass that came with the frame.

Then I took some gray fabric that I had (but you could totally use paper, or paint, or whatever kind of background you want) and put it on a piece of cereal box that I cut to size, and put it in the frame.  But I soon realized the frame was so big, it needed a little something extra...

So I found this idea for using a home printer and wax paper to transfer images to fabric.  I wish I had taken pictures of this part, but I didn't.  Basically you cut a piece of wax paper to the size of a typical piece of printer paper, print a design on it, and then flip it over and press it into the fabric!  The ink doesn't stick to the wax paper, it just kinds sits on top in little droplets, so it just stamps right on to the fabric. It took me probably one practice run to get it right.  It was pretty easy!  (Except for getting the wax paper to run straight through the printer without wrinkling....that took a few tries.)

By the way, according to the website I got the idea from this will only work with inkjet printers, not laser printers.  Just to make you aware.

Then I added a ribbon that was tied to the necklace I bought, and voila!  I declared the project officially finished.

Sadly, Chanel and I didn't get to spend Christmas together...she stayed in Utah, and I went home to Oregon.  I was so sad I wasn't going to get to watch her open it, because I was SO EXCITED to give it to her!  But I sent it out to her, and I can only assume she loves it and is using it. ;)

Oh. and by the way, guess what Chara gave me for Christmas?

I guess great minds think alike!
The first thing I said to her when I opened it..."Where did you find such a small frame?!?!"

<3 <3 <3

P.S. I use mine every day!