Friday, September 26, 2014

If cavemen didn't try new things we'd still be smacking rocks together...just for fun...

I'm so sorry my two sisters are slackers! Please don't give up on us! We're going to figure this blogging thing out yet!

Speaking of figuring things out, as promised here is a review from the bubble dance last weekend! Some do's and don'ts just so you know:
I know it's hard to see, but that stuff that looks like snow is actually bubbles...

DO- Put the bubble machine up on the ceiling! (Don't ask me how they got it up there...or how they got it down for that matter...) The foam pouring from the ceiling was a HUGE hit and kids may have actually been fighting over standing under the "bubble fall."

DON'T-be a loser and not dance... Unfortunately, at the start of the dance when things were still pretty slow, quite a few people weren't having enough fun to satisfy themselves and so they left. Not only did this take away a few desperately needed boys, everyone who saw them leave felt silly for staying. Never be "too cool" to make something awesome! And if you ever have a bubble dance or party, make sure that even if you think it's horrible, make it fun! Even the pioneer children played games and had fun while walking across the plains!

These are some of my friends who are were actually super awesome and dancing, I just had them pose as if they were hating every moment of the dance, to prove this very point!

DO- Play amazing music! My dad did a fantastic job of making sure all the music was up and running. When you have music that is appropriate and keeps an atmosphere where the Spirit can abide, everyone has so much more fun!

DON'T- Wear your favorite pair of hot pink high top sneakers to the dance if you don't want to get them wet... I made this mistake not realizing that bubbles and water kind of go hand in hand... So either go barefoot or wear shoes that can get wet! Lesson learned!

DO- Put cool lights everywhere to make the bubbles look really cool! The light refraction something-or-other in the bubbles is so impressive! (Sorry, it's Friday... I could perhaps explain the scientific way the light works in the bubbles on another day...)

DON'T- Do a belly flop into a pig pile of bubbles. NEWSFLASH! This just in- they actually don't cushion your fall at all! I didn't try that one, but another kid did and I don't believe I saw him dancing much afterwards... I suppose you could try it, but please wear proper safety equipment and consult your doctor.

We learn from everything we do, even when it fails. I am so glad that my dad had the courage to try having a bubble dance! It was a blast! It could have been so awful, and for some people I suppose it was, but we tried something new and exciting and we got new and exciting reactions. I am coming to see the importance trying new things even if it's scary and uncomfortable. If birds never stepped off a limb, how would they know they can fly?

In the last few months, I have tried something new that I never thought I would be interested in: photography. I'm not taking classes or anything, I just started to TRY. I've taken a lot of really bad pictures. I'm sorry to say, I still take some pretty bad ones, but I'm getting better and better as I try more and more. This week I had a photo-shoot for one of my very dear friends. Then, I got a simple editing app and edited the pictures. They are no where near professional, but I hope to get there someday! I am now considering photography as a career because I love it so much. Being able to capture precious moments of God's gifts of beauty here on Earth is truly amazing. I never would have known how much I love this new thing had I not just decided to try it one random day.

So am I saying that everyone must become a photographer? No, but I am saying why not try something crazy today? Just for fun! I know life gets hard. Trust me, I can definitely testify that life is very challenging, but never forget to enjoy the moment, step out on a new branch, and who knows, maybe you'll fly.

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