Is it just me or has it been weeks since we've posted ANYTHING on the blog... oh no! It's NOT just me! That actually happened--- or rather
didn't happen... Sorry again for the inconsistency. Good thing Christ set an amazing example of patience right!?...
I am SO excited for the holidays! Any one who knows me can tell you that I am the biggest Christmas fan in the world! I love the music, the atmosphere, the lights, the Spirit, etc. etc. etc. It may be my favorite thing in the universe---okay I like strawberries a lot too! Anyway! Thanksgiving break is almost here and winter is officially here because we got our first snow in Bend today! It was really interesting to drive in it- to say the least! But this morning when I woke up, and I saw the snow outside, I had a new hope for the day! The stunning white blanket froze the air and warmed my heart. Even though I was already getting up over 15 minutes late, I wasn't stressed out or cranky. I just hurried into the shower, put on a fun outfit (at least
I thought it was fun but whether it actually was or not is left to be determined...), ate some chocolate Chex (which is absolutely delicious by the way!), and went out to my car 20 minutes after I should have left. (Now, you really should know about my car... It's a 19 eighty-something Toyota Tercel that I'm pretty sure has been totaled at least 47 times. My parents bought it for Lauren when she was 16 for 300 dollars... that's a red flag right there! The heater doesn't really work, you have to pull the windows up and, sometimes you have to push it to make it start... It's fantastic. My car's name is Suzy the Little Blue Coupe, Suzy for short. Suzy has had a new problem lately where she'll jolt or buck like a horse when you start her and then she'll die right in the middle of traffic! That's been her funnest quirk yet! I'm not complaining! I'm grateful to even have a car! I just think it's hilarious! So I have to start the car and let it warm up for at least 5 minutes, sometimes longer depending on how cold it is, before I can go. Suzy does have four wheel drive but needless to say I was nervous about the jolting on the ice...) So, when I went out to the car this morning, I saw that there was at least 4 inches of snow on the ground! So it wasn't just one of the mamby-pamby snow storms that's gone by 8 o'clock in the morning. Thank goodness, my car didn't jolt on the ice! It just slid around a lot! I'm not one of those girls that thinks it's super fun to do doughnuts in the parking lot when it snows. I like adventure as much as the next gal, but I'm the kind of girl screaming bloody murder when the car is spinning out of control. But somehow, I was unusually calm as I slid around the round-abouts and down the hills. When I finally did get to seminary, I got a text from a friend saying that perhaps that snow storm was meant just for me. Maybe it was selfish to think that, but it just made me think about everything that had happened this morning. Things that usually would have made me scared and unhappy, didn't bother me. To me, the snow was one of God's tender mercies. It told me how much He loves me and how much He wants me to be happy. I felt His love for me, His daughter, literally falling from heaven. In seminary we talked about the Atonement and I couldn't help feeling the Spirit so strongly testifying of how much my Father in Heaven loves me. All day long, I watched the snow fall out the window and I felt the joy that comes with feeling the Spirit all day long. I truly felt the Spirit of Christ, or the true Spirit of Christmas. I felt so blessed! I love the gospel so much! I love how that no matter what is going on, big or small, God will always find tender ways to bless us and tell us that He believes in us, we just have to open out eyes to see them. I put a blank piece of paper up on our fridge labeled "God's Tender Mercies". Everyone is my family just writes the little things that God has done for them that day. It has helped me as I look at how much He is blessing each and every one of us. It helps us as a family open our eyes to see the blessings falling from the clouds in our path for us to find. What better way to remember the things you are grateful in this beautiful Thanksgiving season then recognizing all the little things we all too often overlook.

Because I was feeling so incredibly blessed today, I wanted to share those blessing with those around me. Specifically, one of my best friends' had her 17th birthday today. I made her a cute little "display" for the table we sit at during our study period.
It was kindof silly really, but it was just a little way of me showing her how much I love her. I filled that vase with snow ( last minute backup that she ended up loving), hung a little banner I had made from some skewers sticking out of it, made a thoughtful card, and a cute little present. It really wasn't anything that special ( and shhhh... didn't cost me a cent) but I just knew that she was so happy about it. It made me so happy to see her happy from that small thing I had done for her. She appreciated it even though it wasn't very significant.
I wonder if that is how our Heavenly Father feels when he blesses us in those little ways, like letting the light turn green when we pull up, or letting the snow fall in November. Maybe we can catch a glimpse of what He experiences when we give things. I just love His plan! It's so perfect and so full of love and joy!
I made this with some scrapbook paper Chanel left lying around before she left to live her life of awesomeness and so I may have snatched it... Anything cool I have is something my sisters forgot to take with them :)
Saw these super simple bows on Pinterest! They were so fun! Just get some ribbon, hot glue the edges so the make a flat oval, squish the middle together and hot glue a piece of ribbon folded in half on it. Then glue a hai clip on the back and- BOOM! Cuteness! (If you have any questions about making these, just comment below)
If you're feeling all warm and fuzzy inside because of this post (yay! That's what I wanted!) then it's probably time for some warm, creamy soup to eat with your family by a blazing fire while talking about beloved memories. I had the most amazing soup the other night at the home of some wonderful old family friends. It's absolutely to die for good! And of course gluten free! So I couldn't very well keep it too myself!
Butternut Squash Soup
1 (1 1/2 pound) butternut squash, peeled, seeded and cut into 3/4 inch pieces
1 pear, peeled, cored and sliced
1 sweet onion, chopped
1 (14 oz) can chicken broth
2 teaspoons tomato paste (we've used tomato sauce too)
1/4 teaspoon dried sage
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
Sour cream (optional topping, but for my dairy free buddies, I like it without)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray large rimmed baking sheet with nonstick spray, or cover evenly with olive oil.
Place squash, pear and onion in a bowl with a little olive oil and toss to coat. Pour onto pan. Roast, stirring occasionally, until veggies are tender, 45 minutes is good.
Place vegetable mixture in blender (in batches if you have a small blender) adding broth and puree. Transfer to medium sauce pan, add tomato paste and spices. Bring to simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
(This also freezes and reheats very well so you can make a double batch and it will keep up to three months!)
Have a wonderful week and notice all of God's tender mercies in your life! He loves you!
42 Days until Christmas!!!