Monday, March 16, 2015

Confessions of a Pinterest Addict: Funfetti Cookies

What can I say...I'm definitely addicted to Pinterest.  It's ridiculous.  I didn't realize it would be like this when my roommates first introduced me to it my freshman year of college, but here I am 80 Pinterest boards later and still going strong (disclaimer: at least half of those boards were for school projects so maybe it's not quite as bad as it seems...maybe).  Seriously though, anytime I want to take mental break at work or even at home, I'm off to Pinterest to peruse.  But nothing makes you feel more self conscious about it than when your husband looks over your shoulder and says, "Holy cow over 8,000 pins?!" and you sheepishly say yes and hope he's not judging too much.  Then the other day he asked if I still get on just to look at and pin things.  Um...of course!  Hence the 8,000 pins.  But then I think "Hey, you know all that delicious food I make?  Yeah most of that came from Pinterest!"  So it must be good for something, right?  I think so!

As ridiculous as I am, though, I have found some beauties via Pinterest!  This recipe for Funfetti Gooey Butter Cookies is one of them.  The best part?  It's one of the EASIEST cookie doughs you'll ever make!  And they are absolutely delicious!  The first time I made them they were gone the next day (yes, an entire batch between the two of us in less than 24 hours).  The second time I think we stretched the batch out to TWO days, with a very clever tactic of putting them in a bag instead of just on a plate on the counter.  You'd be surprised - the effort it takes to open the bag and grab a cookie stops you from eating one every time you walk past.  Unfortunately the first two times I made these cookies I did not take any photos.  Well shucks, guess I'll just have to make them again!  I'm sure the hubby will be real disappointed. ;)

I've modified this recipe just a touch to make it even simpler than it already was, mostly just because I'm lazy.  But the original recipe can be found here:  It calls for you to refrigerate the dough for an hour, but honestly the first time I made them I didn't even read that step.  On the second go-round I realized it, but the cookies had turned out fine before so I haven't ever worried about it!

Pardon my wanna-be photography from my phone!

Funfetti Gooey Butter Cookies

8oz. Cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, room temperature
1 egg
1 box Funfetti Cake mix
Powdered sugar for rolling

1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. Beat butter and cream cheese until smooth.
3. Add in egg and continue to mix just until incorporated, scraping down sides of bowl as needed.
4. Add in cake mix and beat until fully combined.
5. Form dough into 1" balls and roll in powdered sugar.  Place on cookie sheet about 2" apart (I've done greased and un-greased and either way works, but the bottoms of your cookies will brown a bit more with a greased cookie sheet).
6. Bake for about 10 minutes.

The tops of the cookies will still look pretty pale, but check the bottoms before you decide if they're done or not.  They are soooo soft and light!  And when you make them as small as the recipe calls for they are bite size, making them dangerously convenient.  What I really want to try is making them with another kind of cake mix and see how they turn out!  I will keep you all posted. :)

Go home.  Make these cookies.  And love your life.

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