"Mom!" I said, "But I don't have a super spiritual thought or hilarious story to put on there with the recipe." But then I thought, maybe I could tell a story of when I was a little girl! (This is kind of a common phrase in our family because on the rare occasion my dad was actually home when it was bedtime as kids, we would always say "Daddy tell us a story of when you were a little boy!" And trust me they were always way more exciting than any nursury rhymes!) So I asked my mom, "What did I do that was funny when I was a little girl?" Crickets chirp...chirp...chirp....Then finally she responded, "Well you used to slam your bedroom door and scream 'I hate you!' at the top of your lungs when you got mad!" "No! Something funny!" "It was pretty funny!" Thanks Mom...lots of love right back to ya there...
Well here goes,
When I was little, (okay, littler!) I, like any other little girl, LOVED to dress up! Being the youngest of three girls in the family we had a good amount of dress up cotumes and accessories that Mom had made and we had accumulated over the years. Whether it was a pioneer, or a princess, normal clothes just couldn't compete with costumes. If I watched Pocahontas, five minutes afterward I would be outside running around in my Indian costume singing "Colors of the Wind"! Many a day I spent trying to be every princess I ever saw! Or I would go outside to rake up pine-needles in my pioneer dress and pretend I was raking hay in a barn. Because that's a blast, right?! What every little girl wants to be doing! I was kind of obsessed with pioneers when I was a kid. I also wanted to do everything my sisters could do! (Like the time I forged my own dance card so I could go to the youth dance with them.. It didn't work out for me too well...Turns out, those dance cards weren't the only thing that got you in!) So when my older sisters went on a pioneer trek with the youth, I wanted to go too! Since I couldn't, I forced my little brother to do a mini-trek with me at home. I actually forced him to do quite of few of these mini treks, so this was just one example. My dad put an old whiteboard kind of thingy on our garden wagon to look like a pioneer wagon and we (or rather, I) filled it full of "provisions" like clothes and blankets and food and then we put on pioneer clothes and dragged that wagon around the yard. I had planned on doing it all day long but James liked the idea of going inside to play video games about five minutes into the venture. I remember being so into it! I was remembering the pioneers as I trekked around the yard thinking of how hard it was. In my defense, most of the time I was pulling James in the "handcart", so for a little girl, it was pretty hard! Oh those mini-treks! Good times! James and I were always little playmates but we didn't always get along like peanut butter and jelly...I often wanted to do things and make things that he never wanted to do but I would yell at him and try and convince him for hours before Mom would make him do it just to calm me down! I thought I was very persuasive! These are only a few of my little adventures, but the funny thing is that if you ask anyone in my family about any of these things, I'm sure 50 other silly things I did as a kid will come to their mind for them to tell you all about! I've started off with some of the least embarressing ones. We'll save the others for another day...maybe...
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Looking through old pictures led me to this treasure! Looks like my pioneer stage started earlier than I thought! |
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Or maybe Lauren started me on it... What a great big sister! |
I love to look back and see how I've grown and changed over the years. I'm so grateful for those carefree childhood years because I will always cherish those memories. Is it any wonder that Christ loves the little ones? As I get to see my little neice and nephews now, I love to remember what I was like at that time and I get so excited to be able to raise my own little crazy bits of heaven someday!
Now to that recipe I promised!
We got this recipe from a wonderful lady in the ward named Jonell Francis! She gave us this amazing cookbook that she has created called "Feel Good Foods". It has been sooo helpful during our adventure through "gluten-free conversion". The recipe is copyrighted and I am posting it with her permission. (Thank you Sister Francis!) She is truly an amazing woman with a ton of knowledge about nutrition and overall health. What a role model! I highly reccommend you check out her website at www.myfeelgoodfoods.com. Thank goodness for awesome people!
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I couldn't resist long enough to take a picture! |
1 egg
1 cup Awesome Gluten free Flour (which is another one of her recipes for homemade gluten free flour, or I'm sure any gluten-free flour you have will work fine)
1 Tablespoon each: honey, canola oil, and baking powder
3/4 cup dairy free milk
1/2 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
Mix ingredients in blender (or briskly with a whisk). Cook on a hot buttered griddle.
Makes about 7 or 8 pancakes. We always have to double it!
Once again, if you have any questions or have anything to say about our blog, post it in the coments. We'd love to hear ideas and feedback!
Have a PAN-TASTIC weekend and eat lots of fan-cakes...
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